It feels like just yesterday our first born baby boy made his way into the world. Jack had a mind of his own even then when he decided to break his little water balloon three weeks early and come out sunny-side up. Fast-forward exactly 4 years, 11 months and our little man is gearing up to turn 5 and head to kindergarten. How is that possible?
So.... here is the big decision. Here in our state we have a little concept called open enrollment. Every household has a "neighborhood" school but you are not required to attend your neighborhood school. You have the option to open enroll to any of the district schools or even choose another district. We knew we wanted to stay in our own district because it is excellent but which school? I was sure he would end up at Lake, which is not our neighborhood school, but after touring we [I] left feeling underwhelmed. Sure, it's an excellent, award winning school but where was the energy??? I've learned to consistently rely on my gut-instincts and knew instantly that this school was not for our Jack.
Off to the next school. This is our neighborhood school and I was sure we wouldn't like it. Couldn't have been more wrong! They had the energy befitting of our little energetic Jack. Unfortunately, Dad couldn't make it to this one but boy did he get a very excited earful post-tour. When I get really excited about something I tend to rival even the best auctioneers - and this, and that, and they do, and then, and, and, and... he had to remind me a couple of times to slow down so he could at least understand every 4th word.
One last tour to go and honestly, I was hoping to hate it so the decision would be very clear. As I pulled up to the school, it was obvious that would not be the case. As I walked in the door I thought to myself "oh crap, we ARE going to have a decision." It was different from the other schools in that it is a Magnet School of Arts & Science - an award winning magnet school at that. I was blown away at numerous points of the tour but a couple of the top moments were seeing a bunch of 1st graders working on Mac Book laptops and a full wall of Kindergarten Monet paintings. You could have told me Monet was the president in Kindergarten and I would have believed you and these kids are painting Monet. It was truly impressive.

The big decision..... drum roll please..... the Magnet school! This school has an unbelievable energy, so much opportunity, and is so fitting for Jack. He is a little budding artist (takes after his Mommy ;) and thrives on hands-on science activities. It's perfect! But there's a catch. Due to demand, we have to enter a lottery for the available spots. We will know by February 11th - one day before Jack's 5th birthday. What's meant to be will be, but a few crossed fingers couldn't hurt.
Who would have thought Kindergarten would be such a decision?!? What's going to happen when we choose a college?