Monday, August 29, 2011


The Cook Clan donned our "band" hats and made the trek to Marine on the St. Croix to watch Grandpa Bill's blues band.  Since most of his gigs are of the late night variety and since our kiddo's are pretty much non-drinking, day people, this is one of the only gigs we can actually attend.  An added bonus is it's outside with lots of things to climb, terrorize and keep them busy.  In all reality, there was actually little band watching.
"Another Kitty Cocktail pronto - I'm with the band."
"The creepy cow has come to life... run like he!!"
p.s. I ADORE this picture.
"Yep, it's definitely all there."
"Hey, creepy cow, wanna be friends?"
p.s. I swear creepy cow's head is turned sideways in the other picture - check it out.
"Don't do it, creepy cow.  Get me outta here Mom - and stat!"
Boys to the core.
"Oh silly Joshi - those girls are wayyy too old for YOU (in reference to the 12-year old bikini clad babes Jack was starry-eyed over all day.")  
Attempt #1 at getting a creepy cow-sitting Cook Boy photograph.  How did they all manage to turn their head at the same time?  3 peas in a pod.... impressive.
Attempt #2: Joshua needs to lay off the Kitty Cocktails!
Attempt #3: Meet Laurel, Hardy, and Jamison.  Maybe we'll try again next year.  
Shake your booty, shake your booty.  Our little dancing King.
1-minute of fame.

Time for a much needed rest... yeah right... this lasted all of 2.6 seconds.  Until next year band friends.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The "Special" Balloon

In the last post I mentioned the party we had for our little pre-school graduates.  What is a party without a few mylar balloons so I swung over to Party City to indulge in a few for the boys.  They were each instructed to take one home to enjoy over the weekend.  As I was walking in that evening for pickup, Grayson, one of Jack's best buddies since three months old (also a fellow graduate and camp-goer), was charging toward me with a look I hadn't seen before.  It was a cross between 'I'm so pissed I'm going to poke you in the eye' and 'I may be a studly 5-year old but I'm not afraid to cry if so moved.'  I said "what's wrong Grayson?"  Obviously holding back the tears he just pointed and said "LOOK!"  I immediately saw that his special balloon with very special meaning had been mangled.  Apparently, a 4-year old gangsta kid walked by, smacked it, and broke the end off that holds the string.  Of course, without the string to hold it down it immediately floated to the ceiling.  My friend Heather, Grayson's Mommy, was holding his adorable 2-year old sister, Reagan.  Poor little Reagan was still so upset about the run-away balloon (even though they had already managed to get it off the very high ceiling - still not exactly sure how they managed to do that?)  We chatted for a minute then they headed up front to do perform some magic on the special balloon.

Fast-forward 45 minutes.  We pulled into the garage, Jack hops out of the car with his special balloon, Joshua hops out, I grab Jamison out of his seat, and we are all standing in the driveway.  Suddenly, I hear a high pitched scream that couldn't possibly have come from one of my kids - it sounded more like a hyena's mating call.  Oh yes it could!  Apparently, that was Jack's "I just accidentally let go of my balloon and it is sailing off to the clouds" scream.  I made a jump for it but you can only jump so high with high heals and a 30 pound almost toddler on your hip.  Can we say M-E-L-T-D-O-W-N!  He was so upset and could only squeak out "but my special balloon" through all the tears.  Dad immediately said "well, let's go get you another one."  I agreed - great idea!  Anything to get this babe to happy again.  

So, Jack, Joshua, and Mom hopped in the car, spent the $2.34 in gas to drive back to Party City, spent another $2.98 on the same balloon, hopped back in the car and made the trek back home again with balloon in tow.  Whew, happy day's again!  They thoroughly enjoy the balloon over the weekend (especially Jamison) and it's definitely looking weathered.  Earlier today it was stuck to the ceiling after having lost it's string.  When I ran down to take a picture tonight, it had disappeared so Dad and I went on a hunt.  We found it hiding on the office floor, apparently looking for some peace and quiet!  As for the original "special" balloon, we think it is floating somewhere over Florida now.

This story begs a question I've been thinking about.  How much is too much?  At what point does being a concerned and loving parent cross over to being a spoiling and loving parent?  I don't know where exactly that line falls but I will tell you - that was the best $5.32 I spent all week!

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Fond Farewell

Today, on Jack's exact 5.5 year birthday, we celebrated his last day of preschool.  He doesn't actually start Kindergarten until September 6th but the fellow Mom's of his best buddies and I decided to throw in a couple of extra weeks of camp.  We could tell they were starting to get the itch to get out of there, which typically happens the closer they get to the big K.  
To mark the milestone and celebrate the departure of Miss Arden and Miss Cassie's three FAVORITE boys, there was an impromptu classroom party with ice cream sandwiches, popsicles, Cars juice boxes, and balloons.  I popped down to witness the festivities and you could say these three little gentlemen were feeling the love - and were very popular, I might add.
Fast-forward a couple of hours later when I return to Jack's room to pick him up for the last and final time.  I was dreading this pick-up because certainly this would be meltdown time (I am the queen of SAP, after all!)  I immediately spot this board outside his room (oh-no, these boards have caused a couple of substantial meltdowns in the past).  Hmm, no tears.  Clean out locker and pack up paintings.  No tears.  Take a couple of pictures with Miss Cassie and JT.  Still no tears - WTH?  Either I am in total denial or I'm as ready for Kindergarten as my little man.  He has been at New Horizon with me for over 5 years.  I've never had him further than a quick walk downstairs and that is all about to change.  No question I'm in denial!  Lord help us.

Jack said his goodbyes to the Green room (literally) and we hit the road.  It is the end of an era for our big boy and the beginning of an exciting new chapter.  I am so proud of the funny, compassionate, and free-spirited 5.5 year old he has become!  


Monday, August 8, 2011

Darn You Banana

Quote of the day:

"I don't like you banana, you're not coming to my Birthday Party!"
- Joshi, very upset after finding a brown spot on his beloved banana.

Brotherly Love

 An unexpected perk of being a parent of multiple kids is witnessing the intense love they have for each other.  Of course, there is certainly no shortage of fighting but I'm always so fascinated with the love, caring, and genuine concern they have for each other.  
Who are these clowns? Get me the he!! out of here.
We drop Jamison off first at his classroom everyday and he has been known to cry as we are closing the door behind us.  Joshi always says "it's ok Jamison, we'll be back to get you after nap time, don't cry, Mommy's here" and gives him a big hug.  It is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen and is enough to warm even tin man's heart.  

Jack will do anything to cheer his brothers up when they are crying, even if it means foregoing his own happiness.  I picked Jack up first on Wednesday.  He was SO excited to show me his cool noodle necklace he had made that day.  He was wearing it with pride.  We headed off to Joshi's room and as soon as we walked in Joshi busted into a meltdown of tears.  Apparently, there was a minor altercation between him and another little friend (who, ahem, doesn't have the best reputation shall we say) and he had bottled up the emotions - apparently saving them for Mommy.  I picked him up and cuddled him in my lap.  The cuddles weren't working so Jack immediately jumped into action and said "it's ok Joshi, what can we do to help you?"  He actually got down on his knee's and took his beloved new necklace off his neck and said "here, you can have my necklace."  I was so proud of his complete and total unselfishness and it took everything in me not to scoop him up and give and five minute bear hug.

I have a zillion examples but I'll only give you one more and that is how they react if they feel unsure about something or feel a little insecure about a situation.  It's like they instinctively know to stay within an arms reach of each other in the event they may need each other.  The moment a situation gets hairy they immediately grasp hands.  I captured some sweet little pics of this very phenomenon that actually happens quite frequently.
These sweet boys are more than just brothers, they are built-in playmates, protectors, and best buddies.  I can't wait to continue to watch the friendships grow.  And watch out ladies... we've got some ladies men on our hands, that is for sure!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thelma and Louise

First of all, can we say slacker?!?  It's been forever since I posted!  Life has been so crazy but - no excuses. I promise to get better.  

We had such a fun day today.  We kicked it off with swimming lessons for Jack and Josh.  I have fallen in love with Saturday morning swim time.  It is so laid back.  We head out a little early to get Mom a nice hot coffee, head to swimming and then hit up Target or something of the sort before lunch.  We did in fact, hit up our beloved Target today but it was not any normal Target trip.  It was a Kindergarten prep trip.  We had our trusty list in hand and perused the Back to School isles for the [very] specific items listed.  I felt like a fish out of water and honestly, was a bit intimidated.  I don't get intimidated all that easily so the feeling was unfamiliar.  Anyway, we finally found everything we needed including a very cool new backpack.  I was so proud of our little Jack for actually picking one that WASN'T Spiderman.  Same coloring actually, but a much cooler red, black and white checkered number!  He was so sure that was the one as soon as he saw it - so cute!

$200 later we headed home for lunch and a nap.  Grandma was coming over later to watch little J so Corey and I could take the older J's to Cars 2.  They earned all their "Sleep Ferry" coupons this week so they got to pick an event of their choosing.  They debated between Cars 2 and Sea Life (to see the sharkies) but the movie ultimately won out.  Grandma arrived right at 3:00p and we had some time to kill before heading off to the theater so we decided to take the boys for their first spin in Grandmama's convertible.  We grabbed their little booster seats, threw them in the back and said hop in.  They looked at us like we had just eaten the head off a horse.  Jack said "really?  No, really, really?" Like Ashton Kutcher was going to jump out and say he was being punked.  We got all buckled in and took a leisurely spin around the neighborhood.  They loved everyone second and I'm pretty sure they felt like rock stars (and looked it, I might add!)

Off to the movie.  It might be a tad too early for Joshi and the movie thing.  He was pretty antsy from the get go so we knew it would be a long ride but he did pretty good.  Dad took him out to the game room at one point and then he and I headed to grab a few things from Cub while Dad and Jack finished the flick.  As we pulled into Cub, there was the sweetest old fella with a broken arm attempting to load all of his grocery's into the back of his car.  I pulled in next to him and Joshi and I proceeded to unload his cart for him.  He was so thankful and it just warmed my heart.  I feel it is so important for the boys to witness and partake in acts of kindness as often as possible and this was one of those moments.  

We picked Daddy and Jack up at the theater and made our way back home for some dinner.  Post dinner fun included an impromptu water gun fight and a unique game of throw the ball on the roof.  It was a great day and I have three little sleepers to show for it!  The Sleep Ferry will definitely be visiting our little sweethearts tonight.  xoxo