Sunday, January 13, 2013
Baby Turns Two
Well, the way the past year has gone, my motto is "better late than never." Our baby boy turned 2 in May and I'm just getting around to posting the pictures now. Sweet boy - when you are all grown up and wonder why Mom took 7 months to post about your birthday, know that it was because I was far too busy playing with you. Love you sweet angel! Happy 2.5 birthday.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
A Letter to My Babies...
Dear sweet baby boys,
It’s your mama here. Have I told you in the last three minutes how special and amazing I think each of you are in your very own unique way? I'm certain I have, but just in case...

Joshua Corey – Beautiful middle child. Delivery was a rough go with some scary moments, but once you made your way into the world, the room was stunned with your perfection. A nurse called you the most beautiful baby she had ever seen… quite the honor little man. As you have grown, we’ve come to realize your soul matches the exterior beauty. At the tender age of four, it is already apparent how deeply and passionately you care for the people in your life. I want to eat you up, even when you have your famous mad face on. You are always the first to notice when someone is sad or hurting and are the first to shower them with your contagious hugs and kisses. You are known at school for your caring ways and unique ability to make a friend feel better in any situation – even if it means sacrificing your own happiness to do so. You are fun, smart, happy-go-lucky, a master builder, boundary tester, sneaky, playful, and the peace-maker of the family. I am so proud of you and the man you are becoming.
Jamison Reece – Three of a kind makes a perfect hand! You were an un-planned gift from above, but the universe would not be the same without your sweet existence. You bring so much joy to our world with your funny talk, sheer belief that you are Superman, 101 unique animated faces, constant giggles, and never-ending playfulness. Those big brown, piercing eyes have the ability to melt anyone like butter, especially mom and dad. You instinctively know it’s difficult to discipline you because you are so dang cute and have a way of dispelling naughtiness. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to fight back laughter while showing you the “right way.” We watch you grow more and more each day and are always reminded of what a little stud you are. You are my instinctively natural gentleman, always the first to hold the door or carry something for mommy, even if you do leave a trail of bananas behind you. Watch out ladies. You are easy-going, fun-loving, too smart for your own good, older than your years, carefree, independent, and the comedian of the family. I am so proud of you and the man you are becoming.
Sweet children of mine, I feel so incredibly blessed that I was chosen to be your mom. I don’t claim to be perfect. My patience may run low when the volume hits levels only dogs can hear, or when I find red toothpaste on the carpet… yet again, when your chosen word of the day is stupid-head, or when I feel like all of you are buzzing around me like bees, moving from place to place as one cohesive hive. The love for you never changes. I promise to go to the ends of the earth to protect you, love you, cherish you, respect you, guide you, and teach you how to be strong, independent gentleman (we know how mommy appreciates gentleman!) I will encourage your growth, cheer for you as you conquer your fears, be your biggest fan, and teach you about empathy and giving back to the world. You are my heart and souls, the loves of my life, and the most perfect things on this earth.
Love you to infinity,
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