Anyway, there hasn't been too much to post about because things have been pretty quiet at the Cook household. By quiet I mean there hasn't been much out of the ordinary going on. Things are never actually "quiet" if you catch my drift. Here are some updates on my favorite little boys:
Jack - Little crazy man.
- We went today to officially register for Kindergarten. It was Jack's first visit to the school and he was very excited. He loved the artwork everywhere and was especially excited about the sunken library with loads of computers. Takes after his Mommy in that way I guess.
- He is at a very interesting age right now. He can be such a little stinker at times - for example, Corey went to kiss him goodnight and he flipped around and put his tush in Dad's face. Normal 5 year old behavior? Probably, so who cares. What's more important is this kids enormous heart. I am continuously impressed by it. He was home with a cold yesterday so he and Dad made a Target run. Jack had two gift cards from his birthday that were burning a hole in the new wallet CeCe gave him. Instead of burning all the money on himself, he chose one toy for himself and one toy for Josh. He was so excited for Joshi to come home so he could present his surprise. So sweet!
- We just signed Jack up for his very first camp experience. He will be going for a week in June, July and August with three of his best buddies, Grayson, Cole, and Jordan.

- He could not be any cuter if he tried! His little face has lit up a room since the day he was born and it definitely has not changed with age. His vocabulary has suddenly exploded and he is talking like a little adult. That, coupled with the sweetest little voice you've ever heard, could make your heart melt.
- We had a first tonight - I kissed him goodnight and said "I love you sooooo much" and he responded "I love you so much too Mommy." Ughhh, stab a knife in my heart.
- He recently moved into the young pre-school room and is really loving it. He and Jack get to see each other on the big boy playground now instead of just peering at one another through the fence.
- We are working on potty training but no luck yet - a chocolate bar isn't even enticing enough to get him to venture to the porcelain throne - and if you know home much he likes chocolate that would tell you how he feels about the potty.
Jamison - Sweet little love bug.
- Apparently, he inherited the cuddle bug gene as well! Or maybe it's not a gene at all? I'm convinced that sleeping with your child the first year of their life enables an extremely strong bond and teaches them the love of cuddling. Jack is our least affectionate and he never slept with us, Josh slept with us about half the time and Jamison has slept with us since birth and I'm not ashamed to admit it. As I've gotten more relaxed with each kid, I've formed some opinions about infant/baby sleeping rituals - at least as it relates to my own kids. It doesn't feel right to throw a baby into a cold, dark crib by himself. Think about it... most cultures do not practice this ritual nor does any kind of animal. I'm not comparing us to animals... I'm just saying. Also, there are a lot of studies out there that claim children who sleep with their parent(s) for the first year of life are more independent, confident, and secure than those who sleep in the cold, dark crib. I believe it whole-heartedly! Ok, off my soapbox tangent now.
- Back to the Jamestown update - he is still crazy active and loves to chase his brothers around the house. They adore him and instinctively know their limits on what they can and can't do with him.
- He is clapping his hands now and will do it on cue when you say "hooray," along with a BIG smile.
- Two firsts happened today. He waved bye, bye all on his own and had his first heaping helping of mashed potatoes.
I feel so blessed every day to have these three amazing little beings in my life. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure they are really mine.
Oh, and don't forget to check out the Kidism's page. There are almost too many to keep up with.
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