da...da.dada... daw daw... the graduates enter stage right in dramatic form. The girls are clad in gold cap and gowns while the boys adorn a lovely shade of royal blue. They all have one characteristic in common however, giant proud smiles. What's not to be proud of - they are graduating from preschool! A monumental step into the real world.
I was so excited for this day as I've watched previous New Horizon graduates over the years and thought to myself "one day that will be my kid." Well, that one day has arrived. It's definitely bitter sweet though. A lot of these kids have been together since they were 3 months old and have grown to be quite close. They've been through good times - first taste of scary mashed potatoes (call out to Grayson here), first steps, first kiss, and first sit on the big boy potty. It's sad to think that after summer they won't be seeing their best buddies every day.

Even the little brothers were proud of their big bro.
And of course Mommy and Daddy were over-the-moon proud of our little graduate!
Not lets blow this pop stand - I've got places to go.
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