Jack had a birthday party yesterday for his little school friend Abby. We made a Target run to pick up a gift for Abby and of course headed straight for the Barbie aisle. Before actually making it to the real Barbie's I got hung up on a larger, Barbie-ish type gal, called a Moxie. These Moxie Girlz are so cute and stylish, I couldn't resist. We brought little "Avery" home and laid her peacefully on the dining room table. That is until Joshi set his sights on this unfamiliar little being that had suddenly graced our presence. I think I had to take the box from him for what felt like sixteen times. Yeah, yeah, I know... I should have put her somewhere he couldn't reach but secretly, it was pretty darn cute to watch.
Time passed and Avery had been forgotten until....
Joshi: "Mommy, I want a boobie."
Mom: "Say what?"
Joshi: "I want a boobie."
(Jack is laughing in the background)
(Dad is chuckling right along with Jack.)
Mom: "What do you want sweety.... ohhhh (light bulb) you want a Barbie?"
Joshi: "Yes, a boobie (said like duh, I just told you that three times!)"
Joshi: "Do you have two boobies Mommy?"
(Jack's laughing has turned hysterical now.)
Jack: "Joshi, it's now boobie, it's barbie!"
Jack: "Joshi, it's now boobie, it's barbie!"
Joshi: "Well can I have the boobie?"
Mom: "Tell you what, if you stay in bed and take a really good nap for Daddy today while Mommy and Jack are at the birthday party, I'll bring a barbie home for you. Deal?"
(Side note: This bride in direct response to a very rough nap routine the day prior. I'm not afraid to bribe when appropriate and potentially necessary.)
Joshi: Jumping up and down - "yeah, yeah."
Mom: "What color hair would you like your barbie to have?'
Joshi: "Black, definitely."
Jack and I headed to the party. It was at a community center gymnasium and as soon as we walked in and I met Abby, I could tell she was more of a sports kind of gal (sports invitation, at a gymnasium, duh!) Suddenly the Moxie Girl felt a little out of place. What can I say... I have three boys! I was so blinded by the thought of buying something girlie, I may have missed the sports boat.
Our sweet little Josh held up his end of the deal and took a long nap for Daddy. Hooray, because it would have broken my heart not to give him his new boobie, I mean barbie. We presented "Sophina" and his eyes were aglow. The boys took her under their wing and welcomed her to the family with open arms, but of course she didn't stay in one piece for long. It took exactly 1.3 minutes to loose her first boot while the second stayed on for an impressive 2.4 minutes. She's now the footless wonder but Joshi loves her just the same.
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