Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crazy Busy!

So as if this time of year isn't crazy enough, we have a sick baby thrown into the mix.  Little Jamison has his first high fever.  It was 102 yesterday and 103 when he woke up today.  He has a nasty respiratory virus and a blazing ear infection.  Poor little guy!  Still smiling though.

I've been greatly slacking on my blog entries.  First off, there hasn't really been too much going on.  Secondly, I've been very hard at work trying to get ready for Christmas, including our homemade Cook holiday card.  I LOVE creating my own cards, announcements, etc. and the Holiday card is like the grand puba!  It went out this morning, by the way.  My goal was for at least some homes to get it by Christmas Eve and SUCCESS! 

More to come soon... we will have a lot to report on soon.  Hugs & kisses!!!!!!

Oh... one more thing.  The boys got to see Santa twice this year.  The picture above is from the first visit and Joshua would not have anything to do with it.  This is the only shot we could get with all three boys in the frame.  The second time went much better - but you'll have to wait to get the holiday card to see that pic.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Baby Toupee

So... since Jamison doesn't seem to be growing any hair of his own, we took it upon ourselves to buy him a Baby Toupee.  As you can see, he likes it.  A little Donald Trump in the making!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let it Snow!

A couple of weeks ago we were lucky enough to get a whole bunch of snow.  In fact, it was the biggest early snowstorm since the grand Halloween blizzard of 1991 (I think that statement just confirmed... I’m officially old!)  We didn’t get the 30 inches of 1991 but we did get a nice foot of the white stuff. 
The boys woke up at their usual crack-of-dawn.  We allowed them to head downstairs on their own so we could see if they’d immediately notice the change of scenery outside, even in the darkness.  Sure enough, as soon as they hit the bottom of the stairs you could hear the awe and excitement in their voices.  We heard “Mommy, Daddy – you HAVE to see this" from Jack and “WHOAAA” from Joshua!!!  It was so fun to hear the pure joy in their voices.
They diligently stared outside until breakfast was done.  As we were eating, I peered through the kitchen window and noticed our batch of evergreens on the side of the deck.  To my surprise, they looked like a very white Snuffaluffagus and I chuckled to myself.  A few minutes later, I looked out again and the trees were all bent in different directions almost touching the ground.  It was definitely a double-take moment because the tree’s had all but vanished in a matter of minutes.  Corey immediately got suited up and headed out to ease the poor trees suffering.  The boys and I laughed as we watched our very own lumber jack attempt to brush the snow off of them.  It worked!  Kind of. 
Jack normally loves his Saturday morning hockey but on this day he was insistent that he WAS NOT GOING.  I was fearful that he was beginning to dislike hockey but after talking with him further I discovered he was afraid the snow would be gone by the time he emerged from the arena.  After some heavy reassurance, off to hockey. 
Later that day, we got suited up to head outside.  This may sound like an easy task but I assure you it is not.  When all was said and done, they looked like little Randy from A Christmas Story (see for yourself) and I was sweating… but it’s worth it! 
We are fortunate enough to have a decent little sledding hill right in our backyard so we broke out the sled.  We were super impressed when Jack carried the sled up the hill, hopped on his belly and took off down the hill like a little bob-sled champion.  No fear!  What a difference a year makes!  
After a few trips down the hill with Daddy, it was Mommy’s turn. 
We took several trips down the hill in our little sled and even built a snowman!  Frosty was looking pretty stylish until his head fell off.  Playing outside with my boys is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a parent.  It is just peer, uninterrupted joy - so bring on the snow!!!