Thursday, February 10, 2011

We Won the Lottery!

No, not the PowerBall or Pick 5... the Kindergarten lottery!  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a good waiter so I've been faithfully checking the mailbox every night since January 26th.  Today, we FINALLY received the fateful letter announcing Jack's acceptance into our first pick. Hooray!!!!  We are over the moon!  

As my good friend Heather said "you'd think we were waiting to find out if he's going to Harvard or Stanford."  Well, maybe someday we will be awaiting that letter - but we'll definitely take this in the meantime!

On another note, is there anything sweeter than sleeping babies?  This is our house right now - just in time to sit down, watch Grey's Anatomy, and share our big news with you.  Sweet dreams!!! XOXO

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