Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just Beachy

My Dad and I have been talking about taking a trip together for years.  Best Buy suddenly had a chance of heart on their vacation policy which left me with about 70 hours of old vacation that I had to use by April 1st.  I know, a pretty rough problem to have, right?  I mentioned this little tidbit to my Dad and he said maybe it's time we take that trip we've been talking about.  Ok... ah, yes!  A few weeks later we were high in the sky heading for beautiful Cancun.  One glorious week and it was amazing!   We had some amazing quality time together, lounged around and relaxed, consumed more than our fair share of cocktails and food, and loads of fun.  Oh, and did I mention the boys stayed home?  
Is there anything better than chilling under a palapa on the beach with a sassy hat... and a pina colada in hand?
We met the most AMAZING family whom we completely fell in love with.  These had to be some of the most welcoming, generous, and caring people we've ever met.  They took us in like two of their own and taught us some lessons about what a close knit family is all about.  The two cuties on the far left are the heads of the family and I'm certain that Jimmy is one of the funniest and most filter -free people I've ever known.  Thanks you guys - it was great getting to know you!
How about this for a view to wake up to each morning at 10:00am.  Yeah right, I didn't sleep a minute past 6:20 the entire week.  Had to get out there and claim a good palapa, after all.  
I've been to Mexico many times but the water in Cancun is stunning!
Love this picture.  What a goofball... but this does a good job summing up our mentality through the week.  We were silly.
I don't know, I think my smile rivals these dudes, for sure.  Did I mention we were silly?
Our pseudo family again at a fabulous thai restaurant.  
A week away was so needed and so incredible.  My only complaint is that it went way too fast!  I was excited however, to get home to my baby boys.  I missed them dearly but chuckled every time I saw a mom chasing her toddler.  They missed me too but I wrote them a letter for their Dad to read them each morning at breakfast - I think that helped them (or maybe me) feel like a piece of me was with them each day.  

Thanks Dad!!!  Spending a week with you was invaluable and something I'll never forget.

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