Monday, September 24, 2012

Hey Baby...

Your crib or mine?
Now I'm a romantic, so this is how it's going to go down....
A little star gazing.
A little dancing.
Some ear nibbles.
Playin hard to get (but you know I'm into ya girl.)
Going in for the ever so gentle kiss...
 Love ya sweet girl.
Ahhh, young love!  Yeah, and if you noticed the beads, get your mind out of the gutter.  They're two!  

* The curly haired, porcelain cutie is Addison - courtesy of my dear friend Autumn.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Been Three Months Since My Last Confession... er, Post.

Hello friends.  Long time no write!!!  I promised on my last post in *ahem* JUNE that I would get better about writing.  Well, clearly my very good, and well meaning, intentions didn't pan out.  What can I say, 3 boys, life is crazy!

So what's been happening with us?  


He's a big man on campus now... 1st grader!  He is absolutely loving school and doing so ridiculously well.  Brag moment: he's a math whiz!  Clearly does not get that from his mama.  The big change this year was moving schools but he conquered it like a stud and handled it like a champ - no fear!  Lots of new friends and even appears to be a class leader.  

His new love is Michael Jackson.  He knows all the moves to Beat It, Thriller, Billy Jean, and a couple other favs.  He dons the sparkly black fedora, white tee, black pants, one white glove and gets his groove on more often than MJ did himself.  Photos to come soon since my little blondie plans to thrillerize for Halloween.

Jack went through a grumpy phase where most of his communication came in the form of a grunt.  He has emerged from that difficult phase in a big way and has returned to the happy, joyful, full of love, 6-year old that we know he is.  It warms a parent's heart to see such a drastic change in your child.  Big J is growing up so fast!


Middle J is still his sweet little love bug self.  I could just eat him up!  He is however, the little night owl AND early bird of the family.  In bed by 7:45pm, asleep by 9:30pm and up with the rooster's at 6:00am, along with his signature beaming smile and "Mommy, can I cuddle?"  I swear he sets his own internal alarm to allow for pre-shower cuddle time, and I love it, but it would be nice if he could push snooze a couple times.

Joshi really is the big man on campus, pre-school campus that is.  He has conquered young pre-school, mid pre, and has officially moved to pre-school, which is the last stop before Kindergarten.  It is so hard to believe that a year from now he'll be a schooler.  My heart is breaking at how quickly he is growing up but it is so fun to watch.  

Favorites these days include Soccer John, anything pink (yes, still), Toy Story, his "babies", playing dress up, and sitting on Jamison.  He has also discovered his mischievous ways but covers them ever so eloquently with his oozing, and I mean oozing, charm.  This kid is such a delight!


Doing?  Eating?  Why?  Movie on now.  Home, me.  Eat, me.  Boy oh boy, little J has become a talker!    Not just any talker though... his unique speech is contagious.  In fact, I'm thinking about trademarking "Doing?" because it has spread like a virus amongst those who spend time with him.  It is so fun to have 3 of 3 kids that can actually tell me what they want or need.  The guessing game in the face of crankiness is a thing of the past.  Hallelujah... another milestone hit! 

It is so fun to watch development at this age.  He is two going on five and I can only attribute that to being the third child.  He works hard at keeping up with his big brothers and is almost always successful.  I know when he has had enough when I get the telltale "mommy, UP" tug at my leg.  It's a great reminder that he is still my baby.  Oh baby, don't grow up so fast.

Comedian in da house!  Little J is going to be in showbiz for sure.  This child is hilarious.

the move

The boys and I moved to Eden Prairie the beginning of August to make it easier to sell the house.  We are loving our new townhouse in a beautiful neighborhood overrun with kids.  In fact, Jack's bus stop alone fills an entire bus!  It's like nothing I've ever seen.  The parents all seem to know each other and gather every morning like it's Friday happy hour.  I keep waiting for someone to roll out the beer cart.  I, on the other hand, roll up in the VW MV just seconds before (or more often than not, seconds after) the bus arrives.  If he makes it onto the bus, it's a successful morning, even though I may have forgotten to put my shoes on.

Dad is living in the old house until it sells.  The boys have adjusted so well to having two homes and almost seem proud of the fact that they get to have special time with Mommy and Daddy.  We couldn't have asked for a better transition.  

That's all for now.  I would love to promise it won't be three months before the next post... but I've come to the conclusion that my harried lifestyle does not allow for such promises.  
