Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Things they say...

It suddenly hit me tonight how much I miss writing, especially about my sweet angels and our crazy, beautiful life.  I logged back into my long forgotten blog and discovered this - a post I wrote a while back and never even published.  Well, it may be old but, here it is in its original glory.  I'm going to try my hardest to keep up on this long lost passion. 

Raising three boys is comical on a daily basis – especially being we are of the opposite gender!  They always have questions galore and the questions come out at the strangest moments.  Here's a sampling... all from the past week.

Mommy, why don’t girls have a penis?  We were enthralled in our movie picnic night when Jamison threw this doozy out.  The other two and I exchange glances as we secretly wondered to ourselves - where did that come from?!  My response: “Because girls have a vagina.”  Jamison: “Oh, ok.”  Phew!

Mommy, I love you.  You’re the best mommy in the whole wide world.  My babies love their mama, so this is not a rare occurrence.  But, on this day it came from the top of the tower at McD’s playland.  It was Saturday at lunch and the place was packed.  Some mom’s looked at me with a smile of admiration and awww, while others clearly wanted to smack me.  I ate it up as a PROUD mommy moment!

How many toes does a frog have? – Hey, it’s a valid question!

What is a butt crack? – Jamison was in his room getting ready when I hear this little ditty coming from his direction.  I thought to myself… did I hear him right?  What Jamison?  Even louder - What is a butt crack and how does it crack???  Yep, I definitely heard him right!

Mommy, why do you have two hearts… and why are they popping out?  You need to see at the doctor!  – I’ve heard this from all three starting right around the age of 4.  They learn young what “boobies” are, but the obsession carries on!  Surprise, surprise!

When is great grandma coming back [from heaven]?  It must be a long ways away! –  Oye, heartstrings tugged.

I need to cuddle until you get up, Mommy, but take your time cuz I’m not in a hurry. – Funny, adorable and clever all wrapped into one.  Smart little man!

Why do girls poop every time? – In the mind of a boy, sit = poop.  Of course, makes logical sense!  I explained the girls anatomy, or lack thereof, for aiming.  Jamison’s response: “Well, I like to sit and go sometimes when I’m feeling like I can’t stand.”  I get it, kid.

Nooo, don’t move my hulk!  It’s his shift to stay awake and guard my bunk from monsters! – Monsters and bad guys are a constant topic with three boys!  I assure them that all the monsters are locked away… and if one happened to escape; our house is sprayed with a no-monster shield.  Not unlike spraying for ants!

Mommy, the bully is outside walking her dog! – This was said in direct ear-shot of said bully (otherwise known as evil bully neighbor lady and creepy yappy dog.)  Oops, Mom didn’t win ANY points on that one!