I put them down for a nap on Sunday afternoon. Usually, they are pretty good about going to sleep but on this day they were in the mood to be their mischievous selves. I had to go in a couple of times to squash the giggling and bed jumping and remind them it was time to sleep. Just as I thought success had been realized, I heard a cry coming from their room. It wasn't a very intense cry so I thought the lamp was in Josh's bed, yet again. As soon as I walked into the room Joshie immediately said "JAAACK DIIIDITT." I knew at that point we were dealing with some kind of wound.
The room was very dark (thanks to the miracle invention of room darkening shades) so I asked him where his owie was and he pointed to his left cheek, just below his eye. I felt it and almost passed out. It was a bump like you would see on a cartoon character - straight out almost like someone was poking their finger through his skin. I asked Jack what happened and he said "I don't know... I was sleeping." Mmmhhhmmm, right.
I took Josh downstairs to ice while Dad went back upstairs to get the real story. First it was the penguins hard glass eye and then it was a hanger. We still don't know exactly what happened and never will but it's his first real shiner, not to be the last, so we had to share. Would it be bad to wrap this kid up in bubble wrap and duct tape?
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