Thursday, September 30, 2010

Amery Fall Festival

Amery, here we come!  Corey’s Dad, otherwise known as Papa, lives close to Amery, WI and they have a fun little gathering every September called the Amery Fall Festival (I know… catchy, right?)  We’ve made it 3 of the last 4 years and this year was no exception.  We got to hang out with Uncle Craig, Auntie Gretchen, Cousin EJ and Papa.

The day kicked off with the longest parade you’ve ever seen.  There were Queens, Princesses, and marching bands galore.  In fact, I think I saw the Queen of England float by at one point.  The boys didn’t seem all that interested in the parade this year – they were having more fun trying to climb the light post and picking stray candy out of the rocks nearby. 
After the parade, we ventured over to the carnival.  Not a big fan of carnival rides so we just played a few games.  The only success we had at the gams was this awesome video Uncle Craig happened to catch.  It's quick so watch it twice.  Focus on Jack and his serious competitive side first.  Then watch it again and focus on little Mosh. WATCH VIDEO He is a talented thief - but we hope he doesn't make a career out of it.  What a cute little stinker he is!

Off to the pony rides.  I had to turn a blind eye to my germaphobic tendancies as the boys were putting on their public helmets (I’ve been like a Mama monkey checking for lice since J. )  The boys fearlessly hopped on their full-grown, full-size horses – did I say “pony” earlier?  No ponies here.  In fact, Joshua had the biggest horse in the bunch – and the biggest smile I might add.  Thanks to Uncle Craig for being Mosh’s spotter. 
Time for lunch and a little down time before the big finale of the day – the Demolition Derby!  None of us had ever been to a derby before and what better place to take a braud of boys?!?  We were excited.  We hopped in the car and headed over to the Amery Airport, the site of the derby.  It was not cheap to enter and there was already a mess of people there the witness the event.  We got lucky and found a little nook on the bleachers that was up for the taking.  Corey had to run to the lue so I was in charge of the boys – alone – on bleachers – for a few minutes.  Jamison was hanging on me in the Baby Bjorn, Joshua kept falling off the bleacher bench and Jack was just taking it all in.  Finally, Daddy came back (thank God!) and we were off to the races.  Start your engines! 
The boys were in complete awe for 5 minutes watching all the crashing and chaos unfolding in front of them.  At minute 6, Jack asked if he could lay down on the bench and take a nap.  We knew at that point it was definitely time to pack up the troops and head out.  Besides, we really did not fit in there whatsoever.  Apparently, a twelve of Pabst beer, a pack of Marlboros, and a serious beer belly were required for admittance.  We missed that memo.  The derby seems a bit surreal looking back now – it was like this alternate universe we really don’t care to ever visit again.  What an experience!
Before the trek home to Minne, we stopped by Papa’s house to say Hi.  It was about 4:00pm by this time and the boys had entered a beyond-tired, CRAZY zone.  They were two little crazy men at Papa's getting into anything and everything they could get their hands on.  Defintiely time to go.  Dad had a peaceful drive  home as the rest of us drifted off to dreamland.  What a fun day! 

On a side note, flip back up through the picks and notice Joshua's lollipop in almost every picture.  He doesn't ever actually put his tongue to it, he just likes carrying it around like a security blanket.  It does go quite nicely with his stylish, throw-back to the 50's outfit. :)

All for now!  Thanks for sharing in our adventures!

1 comment:

  1. You should bring the children back to the Amery Fall Festival for 2011 - we have Lumberjack shows following the parade this year!

    You can certainly by-pass the demo derby....that is a different crowd for sure!
