80 degrees in October?!? It doesn’t get any better than that so we decided to venture out and do one of the many fun fall activities. Linders October Fest happened to be on the news that morning so we decided to give it a shot.
It was a typical fall festival with pony rides, games, jump house, and a “real horse” hay ride. For some reason, Joshua was not feeling the fall spirit so he was not interested in doing anything but holding his sucker.
Jack on the other hand, rode a horse (you wouldn’t guess from the pics that he was happy about it), had his face painted, and rode with Mom on the hay ride – a very scenic tour of the parking lot. Luckily, the cowboy driving the ride was scenic enough, for the ladies on board anyway.

opened the menu, Jack announced “I have to go poopy.” Corey and I looked at each other and thought oh no, there goes lunch. Daddy and son headed off to the bathroom while Jamison, Joshua and I ordered lunch and had a nice in depth conversation about crayon colors. The food arrived and we were half way done eating before the boys emerged from the bathroom - so much for the nice relaxing lunch. With a baby, two and four year old, who were we kidding anyway?
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