Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Wedding

Score: 7 Grandsons, 1 Princess
Uncle Colin and Aunt Kathy got hitched!  The big event took place at the Union Depot in downtown St. Paul.  Auntie Camille, Uncle EJ, Aunt Cookie, and all the cousins were in town from Memphis so we decided to shack up at the hotel so we could see them as much as possible.  It was a lot of fun having a little "staycation" for a couple of nights in downtown St. Paul.

Corey was a member of the wedding party so Grandma was gracious enough to be our stand-in staycation nanny.  She was a godsend, especially when it came time to dress three little boys in suits.  Jack and Jamison were troopers all the way - they even granted me a cooperative little photo session.  Joshua, on the other hand, was a mess.  So much for my much anticipated suit pic. 
So cute, so sad.
The wedding was beautiful - from what I hear anyway!  Unfortunately, I didn't even get to see 5 seconds of it since the mini's were already antsy before the stunning bride walked the isle.  I spent the entire ceremony trying to keep Joshua's fingers out of the very large, suitcase shaped, chocolate grooms cake.  Now if you know about Joshua's sweet tooth you would know that this was equivalent to keeping a 98 ounce T-bone from a tiger who hasn't eaten in a week.  We escaped with only 3 minor, non-conspicuous finger holes.  "Adds character, right"... that's what a Mom says in defense of her rabid 2 year-old anyway.
Patience, patience.
After the ceremony, everyone gathered for some vino and a delicious Greek dinner consisting of gyros, potatoes, some kind of chicken concoction, salad, and of course, cake.  The boys had good 'ol fashioned cheeseburgers and french fries while Mom had a large, much needed and cherished, glass of red wine.

Dancing with Aunt Cookie

Finally, it was time to dance.  Jack had been waiting patiently all day to tear up that dance floor so as soon as those first dancers hit the floor, he assumed it was time.  Those first dancers happened to be Uncle Colin and Aunt Kathy's romantic first dance as the beautiful new couple.  Jack, in his true innocence, took a running start and slid onto the dance floor on his knees with Joshua close behind.  I missed it but from what I hear, he busted out some break dancing moves as well.  Their aunties had scoop them off the dance floor but not before some good laughs.  

It was such a fun and beautiful night!  I'm embarrassed to say I didn't get a single picture of the bride and groom (except for the little glimpse of her in the pic below) but they were the picture of perfection.  Welcome to the family Auntie Kathy!     

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