First of all, grab your popcorn because this is one long post about our fabulous Easter weekend. We spent a lot of good quality time together and the Cannon definitely got a workout. Some highlights.
Uncle Colin and Aunt Kathy popped over Friday night to cook us up some steaks. We hadn't seem them in a couple of months so we had lots to catch up on. That same night Jamison had his first piece of corn! He looked at us and asked with his eyes "what the hell is this thing?", took two little nibbles, and promptly threw it on the floor. Ok, maybe not quite ready for cob corn yet.
The Easter Bunny (er, Grandpa Florida) arrived early via a very large Fedex delivery. In it was lots of fun things including a very talented bear who sings, kicks happily, and fishes all at the same time with cute, but slightly creepy, frogs as his backup singers. The boys have taken him in like he is the fourth brother. What's not to love? Also included were several t-shirts from Cancun, a couple of stuffed bunnies, and lots of treats. What a fun surprise!
The boys and I had a date Saturday morning. We went to Sam's Club to get food for Mommy's new diet and hit up IHOP for lunch. I love taking the boys out with me on errands because they are a constant source of entertainment. Nothing is ever boring when they are in tow. We munched on strawberry pancakes and egg-beaters and had a very deep conversation about "how does Elfie know if we are being naughty or nice when we are away from him?" and "what is Santa doing while it's Easter Bunny's turn?"
Later that afternoon, the boys went outside to play with Dad. They climbed the big hill and launched their new Air Force plane.
The picture below cracks me up. You can't tell from the photo but Jack was swinging the Air Force launcher around like a loaded weapon and had unintentionally aimed it right at Josh. Dad was ready to jump in and take the bullet for his little cutie. I love that Josh is completely oblivious to the fact that he was about to be pelted by the Ice Man.
Jamison and I watched, and giggled, from the safe seats.
Next on the agenda, why coloring Easter eggs of course! Jack and Josh were both so into it this year. It's funny to see how much changes in a year. Flashback to Easter 2010 when Joshi sat in his highchair and only watched the festivities. This year, he was very territorial with his eggs and had a very specific plan. Jack, our little Van Gogh, created some interesting masterpieces using dye, paint, stampers, and stickers. A couple of his eggs were so beyond dyed that the color actually started to chunk up and fall of the egg. Who knew that could happen? We colored about 30 eggs but I think they would have done 1,000 if they had the chance.
After eggs we broke out the easter baskets to make the BIG decision of just which ones to put out for Mr. Cottontail. After much deliberation, the boys decided amongst themselves who would get what. They chose three same-shaped baskets in varying colors to put out and then had some fun with the others - they didn't want them to feel left out, after all. Easter baskets double as very stylish hats!
We also wrote up a letter to the Easter Bunny asking some very important questions that had burning in Jack's mind such as "how tall are you?" and "what color are you?" Jack also made a very nice drawing for him and carefully chose the perfect cupcake to share, just in case EB got hungry in his travels. Easter Bunny ate his cupcake and took some time to answer the letter - but he had a hard time remembering how tall he is. Have you ever thought about how tall the Easter Bunny might be? 3 feet felt good - tall enough to be impressive but short enough not to cause crazy, EB nightmares.
Once we got the boys all tucked into bed, which was an easy task on this night, Dad and I got busy. No, not that kind of busy. We had loads of eggs to stuff and hide. We were cracking each other up at the mad, clever hiding skills. And of course we had to get the goods set up for viewing the next morning.
Of course, the boys woke up at the crack of dawn. Can't say I blame them! We tortured them a bit and made them wait until precisely 7:00am to head downstairs. We finally made it downstairs and they were literally jumping up and down with excitement. Is there anything better than seeing pure joy and excitement in your children?

After investigating the baskets (which we are proud to say only included 1 candy item), it was off to the indoor egg hunt races. We were quite impressed with the keen eyes of these kids. It's like they have magic egg spy vision! Jamison, on the other hand, could not have cared less about his basket or egg hunting. Pushing around the Huggie's box was where it was at for him.
Grandmama and Grandpa Bill came over for brunch and brought a plethera of new jammies for every one (even Mommy) with them. Easter Bunny has struck again. We enjoyed a delicious brunch of ham, egg bake, fruit, and sassy little Easter cake the boys picked themselves at Sam's. Afterwards, we headed outside to burn off some energy and do our second egg hunt.
The boys had a ball running all over the yard finding the little gems filled with fruit snacks, skittles or even money! The adults had to play referee. Ok - take note of Jack's nice, clean, cream colored sweat pants. I'll come back to those...
Best buddies one minute...
.... fighting over eggs the next. Ahhh... brothers!
After a much needed nap, we headed back outside and spent the entire afternoon enjoying the sunny - albeit somewhat chilly - day. Timing worked out beautifully because just as the boys got up, Jamison went to sleep which meant we had a couple of hours outside with only Jack and Josh. It was a perfect time to break out the new bikes and sharkie helmets. Wow - we GREATLY underestimated the work it takes to control two little hurricanes on new bikes. It was definitely a man-on-man situation. Thanks to little J for the marathon nap!
Jack and I worked hard on this beautiful chalk portrait of our house, minivan and family. Notice how the boys are all blue and the solo female is pink? Jack also insisted that I be holding Jamison. Home-sweet-home!
Ok, back to those cream pants. When you saw them earlier it was around 11:00 in the morning. The following pic was taken around 6:00pm. Now THAT is the sign of a very good day!!
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