Finally getting around to writing about last weekend which happened to be a weekend of firsts.
The boys met their first war veteran, who happened to be their beloved Uncle Adam. Fresh home from Afghanistan, he, Auntie Sarah, and Wiggins drove all the way from El Paso to visit. My sweet brother even came bearing Afghanistan gifts for Corey and me. A pretty blue pashmina for me and a traditional Afghany man hat for Corey. Joshi took an immediate liking to both and was more than happy to model! Auntie Sarah even made her homemade spaghetti, noodles and all! We had so much fun with them!

Speaking of noodles, Jamison loved Auntie Sarah's homemade noodles. He is a funny baby because he stores food in his cheeks for hours after he eats. We often have to scoop it out with a spoon or he'll leave a slimy trail of half chewed food across the wood floor. He and I were playing in the toy room just before bedtime when he suddenly sneezed. He sneezes a lot but this time was drastically different - a noodle actually made its way out of his nose. After the shock of what I was seeing past, I had to pull the noodle to get the rest of it out - he made a funny face like it tickled (understandably!) I immediately placed it in a little stacking cup we were playing with and carefully watched it. Is there movement? Is it going to crawl out? Thankfully, no movement!! I raced into the kitchen and lined it up with a leftover noodle from the strainer. Same size, same color, whew... my kid does not have worms! I've heard of that happening but never actually believed it... until now.... definitely a first!

The boys took their first jacuzzi tub with the blowers on. We were shocked Mosh was willing to hop in because he'd rather walk hot coals than get a drop of water on his face. It's amazing to me how much fun kids can bring on themselves - you would think they were at Waterpark of America in that tub.
We also did our first home science experiment. Jack's good buddy Jordan gave him a very cool science kit for his Birthday. We busted it out and chose our first experiment - a crafty one that uses baking soda, vinegar, a glass bottle, and a balloon. The lesson learned is baking soda and vinegar create enough air to blow a balloon up. So cool! As the balloon was inflating, CeCe was afraid the house was going to blow. She almost began evacuating anyone within 10 feet of our experiment. It went off without a hitch - check it out. Is it bad to use a Smirnoff bottle for a science experiment?

Grandmama got in on the action too! This is not their first horsey ride with Grandma but I have to mention it because it's so darn cute. Check out those smiles!
And last but not least, a monumental moment! Jamison had his first pizza! He polished off the whole thing! Well no, not really but it looks like it, right? He loved it! Definitely a Cook (pardon picture quality, as much as I'd like to have my camera with me at every moment of every day, sometimes the phone has to do.)
Thanks to Auntie Adam and Auntie Sarah (as Josh affectionately calls them) for coming to see us. xoxo.
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