Monday, December 19, 2011

Day in the Life of a 'Creepy' Elf... (oh, and Santa)

We made our annual Macy's trip to see A Day in the Life of an Elf.  For those of you that haven't seen it, it is really quite cool but I realized this year how incredibly creepy these elves actually are.  If you don't believe me, check out the little horse-maker stage center below.  And if he's not quite creepy enough for you, check out the dude riding the horse on the left.  I mean, they had to go out of their way to actually make these things so creepy!  Anyway, the boys loved it and we had a great time.
Joshi and Jamison clearly feel the same!
We also got to visit our dear old friend Santa.  We had our own private room and he spent lots of patient time with us.  There were no tears, no pulling of the beard, and no hanging from the chandelier - only lots of curiosity and smiles for the white-haired guy.  The boys were very serious as they finally announced what they want for Christmas.
Jack (in a mere whisper that only Santa could here): 
"I want a bow and arrow for Christmas." 

Now, who isn't saying to yourself right now - You'll shoot your eye out kid!!  I know that immediately came to my mind each of the six times Jack has said he wants a bow & arrow.

"I want the pink bear from Toy Story, Princesses, and Toy Story stuff."

Yep, you read right... princesses.  And princesses he will get!


Hmmm... your guess is as good as mine but I believe he was pointing at Santa's beard as he said it.  
Jamison has become quite skilled at the voodo magic - "look into my eyes... you WILL ask for a Thomas the Train!"
And this next pic is how you know it's time to go.  
We had a great time!  Thanks Grandma for joining in the fun and helping to corral.  

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