Thursday, November 11, 2010

Daddy's Birthday Party

Daddy's party was lots of fun!  He is so funny about his birthday - he doesn't like all the fuss over him.  I knew I wanted to have a party but had to approach it with caution and careful deliberation.  I finally said "I am ordering a cake and we are going to have a very small pizza party, it is important to the boys afterall."  I know I can always play the "boys" card to get at his soft spot.  To my surprise, he was open to the idea.  For the next couple of days, he continued to suggest people we should invite.  Ahhh, my plan worked to a T!

We were lucky enough to have family still in town from Uncle Colin's wedding so we celebrated with the football, Papa Murphey's Pizza, a half chocolate/half vanilla Vikings cake, and cotton candy ice cream (yes, cotton candy - it is delicious!)  Chocolate is Dad's favorite but Jack won't eat chocolate in any way shape or form so I called around to see if anyone would do half and half.  Doesn't sound too complicated, right?  Just slap half the cake with chocolate frosting and half with white frosting.  Well, you'd think I was asking for Santa to pop out of the middle!  Target was appalled I'd ask, Rainbow said maybe but Byerly's finally came through in the end.  It looked awesome and tasted even better! 

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics but Joshua's attire for the day.  What was I thinking!?! 

Happy Birthday Daddy! :)  Thanks for allowing us to celebrate you!

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