Monday, November 15, 2010

Look Who's Eating

Finally, after 6 long months on the white stuff, our little Miso can venture out into food land.  Rice was his first taste of the hard stuff - the first couple of bites were ok but he wasn't overly excited about it.  Actually, he wasn't at all.  He was looking at us like "excuse me, you know I don't eat that stuff!"  Next on the menu: peas.  Peas were definitely a NO-GO.  We had to take a long pause inbetween bites while he finished gagging.  Uh-oh, does he have his Daddy's gag reflex???  God help us.  On to oatmeal and sweet potatos (Mommy's favorite.)  Now we are getting somewhere - he wasn't exactly enjoying it but he wasn't gagging either... we are making progress now!

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