Thursday, September 1, 2011

Heart Tugger

So last night I was giving Jack the usual bedtime bear hug.  He gets up on his knee's in his bed while I stand next to his bed.  This makes the perfect bear hug height since well... I'm a shorty... I know, breaking news right?  Jack is always the first one to pull away since cuddling is not exactly his "thing"(he is a man after all.)  Not this night though.  Instead of pulling away and saying "Mommmm" he said "Mommy, I'm going to hug you forever and never let you go because I love you sooooo much." I think my heart dropped out of my chest at that moment and left a big sloppy mess of jello on Jack's bed.  I hugged him and little tighter and we hugged, and hugged, and hugged, and hugged for what felt like 5 minutes.  Parenthood is pretty awesome but it's moments like this that make it truly magical.

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