Monday, September 19, 2011

Yesss Ms. Cook

Well, it's official, I am a Sunday School teacher of eight 3-year olds and I couldn't be more excited about it!  Yesterday was the first official day but it was a weird one because there was a keeping the promise of baptism event so all the parents were invited to stay for the hour.  

The best moment of the day happened during the large group time.  There were loads of kids and loads of parents present for the lesson of the day - which happened to be "Everyone is unique."  Their way of visually proving this point was to gather one of the Kindergarten classes of 7 kids up front.  The leader slowly pulled out 7 colorful, uniquely different fish from a big mesh bag.  She asked the children to pass them down until they each had one.  Simple right?  Not so fast.  The entire crowd was watching what kind of fish the leader was going to pull next and didn't notice that the little girl on the end was desperately trying to hang on to 6 very large fish in her tiny little arms.  They were stacked so high you could hardly see her little face.  It was one of the funniest, most innocent child moments the crowd had laid their eyes on!  What a great start to what I am sure is going to be a great year of Sunday School.  

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