Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Baby J is Baptized!

Baby Jamison was officially baptised on August 22nd at the famed Gethsemene Lutheran Church.  I call it famous because that is where a lot of our family history has taken place.  I love the way they do a baptism because it is not a cattle call of new babies.  Instead, they will only do one baby at a time and the pastor walks the babe up and down the aisle while the entire congregation sings a sweet song.  Gets me every time - such a sap!!!  

Jack even had an important role in the service.  Well, two actually.  He was in charge of dropping, not throwing, Jamison's little rock into the little fountain thing (I'm sure there must be a name for this "thing" but I have no idea what it is.)  He was also in charge of blowing out the baptismal candal.  He did fabulously!  Joshua, on the other hand, was a handful.  Dad and Uncle Colin worked up a sweat trying to control him in front of the entire congregation.  Finally, we had to hand him off to Papa.  Although mischievous, he, and Jack, could not have looked any cuter in their little suits.  So stinking cute! 

After the service, we had a small gathering at our house.  We enjoyed french toast casserole, ham, cake, and all the fixings.  And of course, I took the opportunity to have a little photo session.  Doesn't Jamison look afraid!?!

Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate - especially Jamison's new Godparents - Auntie Sheye and Uncle Colin.  It was a great day!

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