Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Who Stole the Cookie...

So... the other day I ran into the laundry room to quickly transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer. When I returned to the family room, Josh was mysteriously missing.  I knew he hadn't gone far because I could hear some little rumblings coming from the pantry.  No, it wasn't a mouse.  It was our sneaky, too smart for his own good, 2 year old.  Since Mommy was busy with laundry, he took the opportunity to help himself to a little "snack."  This is the sight I saw as I opened the pantry (yes, he even closed the door behind him.) 

He crawled up onto the double-decker wooden step-stool and helped himself to some cookies.  I said "Joshi, have you been into the cookies (notice the bag in the background?)" and he adamantly said "no, Mommy" while shaking his head back and forth.  It was one of those moments you shouldn't laugh but it was IMPOSSIBLE not to. 

As I reached in to pull him out of the closet, I noticed a bunch of cookie carcasses on the floor of the pantry.  From my best guesstimate, he managed to pull apart about 4 - 5 cookies, lick out the middle, and dispose of the shells in record breaking time.  He was so proud of his accomplishment! :)

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