Friday, September 17, 2010

Great Minnesota..COLD..Get Together.

After much debate, we decided to venture out to the great Minnesota get together.  I love the fair but Corey isn't a huge fan - he toughs it out for the sake of the boys fun.  What a good Daddy!  Grandmama and Grandpa Bill were along for the ride and what troopers they were trapesing along with us.  We arrived at 10:00am and were there until 7:30pm!  9 1/2 hours with three boys under 5 and two grandparents (no offense ;). 

Time went surprisingly fast but we packed a lot into our fair-filled day!  We saw horses, the largest pig, sheep, and of course, cattle - little Mosh got a little too personal with a cow as the cow stood up from a lying position and put his rear end right in Joshie's face.  It was a little scary at the time but pretty funny looking back. 

Unfortunately, Josh is just a tad too small to partake in most of the activities so he just hung out in the King's stoller and took it all in while gobbling up mini-donuts, ice cream, and cheese curds (his favorite fair food.) 

Jack on the other hand, got to ride the go-carts with Mommy, the roller-coaster and hot air balloon with Grandma, bumper boats, giant slide, and bounced on the big trampoline. 

I realized just how patient he has become while waiting his turn on the mini-bungy and just how brave he has become as he was trying to do flips.  Such a cool kid! 

Besides waking up occassionally to eat and charm the pants off us, Jamison slept almost all day in his comfy little cove of a stroller.  It's a good thing too because it was so stinking COLD!  65 and windy all day.  It definitely felt colder than that but he was snug as a bug in his fully enclosed little castle. 

The highlight of the day for me was when Jack suddenly busted out into a dance to some music that was blaring near by.  We've seen him dance many, many times as that is a common occurence in our household, however, this was different.  He busted out some moves we had never seen before, quite talented moves I might add.  It was a cross between Michael Jackson and Tina Turner.  He wants to be a Doctor when he grows up but we think he should seriously consider show-business.

The boys were ANGELS all day despite no nap and we had a ball, but by the end of the day we were loaded to capacity and ready for some sleep.  The boys were out cold in T minus 5 seconds after getting loaded into the car.  Night, night sweet boys.  

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