Monday, May 9, 2011

Alas... Park Time!

Dad had some things to do around the house, without the fleet of little boys around, so we decided to pack up and head out to the park for a while.  Beautiful Saturday afternoon, perfect, especially since it's been so stinking cold!  Jack hopped on his new bike (aka: the Rattlesnake) while Jamison and Joshie got cozy in the Radio Flyer.  
The park isn't too far away but there is a very large hill we have to go up and as it usually goes, a big hill to go down on the other side.  We were quite the comedy act making our way over this hill and I'm pretty sure we got a couple of chuckles by passersby.  Since Jack is new at this bike thing, he hasn't quite figured out how to keep up the momentum as he climbs a hill.  His speed declined to a crawl and before I knew it I was pushing him up the hill while pulling wagon train.  It was excellent exercise!  

We spent a good amount of time at the park and didn't miss an inch of the fun.  We hit the slides.
And the swings...
 Drove a little blue car (poor Jamison)...
Ran like the wind.
And even stopped to smell the roses dandelions on the way home.
Lots of firsts for Jamison on this day - first wagon ride, first slide, first rubber swing, and first unsuccessful drivers ed.  He loved every minute of it!  We ALL did!

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