Monday, July 25, 2011

4th of July: The Running of the Men

We had so much fun and took so many pictures on 4th of July weekend I have to break it out into parts.  As tradition called for, we headed to Papa's house to meet up with the Cook fam - including Auntie Camille, Uncle EJ, and "the cousins" as the boys affectionately call them.  

Let's start with the running of the men.  These boys would spend 24 hours a day in the kiddie pools if it were up to them.  They devise their own games and on this day it happened to be the "Run & Jump" game.  And they had an audience which was perfect for these little HAM'S.  

Up first... Jack Thomas.
And since it's monkey-see, monkey-doo, guess who's next?  It cracks me up how he is looking right at the camera.  I could eat this kid up.
By next summer we will have three running men, but for now, Jamison was more than happy to just sit and play.

Camp Chronicles - Week 2: Day 5

So long, farewell... week two of camp is done.  Although a bit rough with the freakishly hot weather, the boys had a blast anyway and were no worse for the wear.  I mentioned this in my first week camp post but I found it funny again how secretive Jack is about what goes down at camp.  He is very selective about what he tells me because you know "what happens at camp, stays at camp!"   

Day #5 Stats
Mostly Sunny
Temp: 94 Degrees
Dew point: 60 something
Feels like: 94 degrees

Day #5 Agenda:
Snack Time

Barn Tour
("Mommy, we got to ride a HORSE!" - definitely the highlight of their day.)



Outdoor Education
(your guess is as good as mine?)


Games and Goodbyes

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Camp Chronicles - Week 2: Day 4

Another fun day at camp!  How nice it must have been for those kiddo's to have some relief from the heat.  Jack seemed very sad when he came off the bus because his tooth hurt.  We made a quick stop at Walgreens to get some Advil on board right away.  I'm wondering if he's getting some new molars.

Day #4 Stats
Partly Cloudy
Temp: 88 Degrees
Dew point: 60 something
Feels like: 88 degrees

Day #4 Agenda:
Singing Hill

Snack Time

(Jack came home with another boys underwear on.  He said it was the only pair left on the locker room floor.  I'll just pretend I didn't hear that.)


(A new red and blue tye-dyed shirt has joined the family.  It is actually very cool!)

(Jack quote: I'm nevvvver going to hit the red part.)

Snack and Games

Singing Hill

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Camp Chronicles - Week 2: Day 3

(Oops... wrote this last night but forgot to post it.)

Before I go into day #3 I want to share a tidbit I learned today about yesterday.  Yesterday, here in Minnesota, Mother Nature delivered the highest dew point IN THE WORLD.  Pretty impressive stat, eh?  And my kid survived the highest dew point IN THE WORLD at camp - wow!

On to day #3.  Despite it being another blazingly hot day, the boys seemed to weather it just fine.  In fact, they still had a super-human energy level after a full day of playing in the heat.  I was a little worried about our buddy Grayson as he hopped off the bus though - he did not seem himself.  Heather, my good friend and Grayson's Mommy, seemed to be a little worried as well but handled it with her usual gracefulness and calmness.  He quickly sprung back to his usual self as we entered the air-conditioned YMCA.  Whew!  Thanks Heather and Pamela for your help with our "situation", that I will have to keep a mystery here.  Stats for the day:

Day #3 Stats
Partly Cloudy
Temp: 97 Degrees
Dew point: 72
Feels like: 111 degrees

Day #3 Agenda:
Singing Hill

Snack Time

Cook Out at Robin's Nest
(Sound fun to grill hot dogs and roast marshmallows in 100 degree heat?)


Camp Challenge

Singing Hill

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Camp Chronicles - Week 2: Day 2

The campers survived the second day of record breaking heat!  Looks like tomorrow is going to be the hottest day yet as far as temperature but the dew points will drop a touch.  High 80's will feel like a dream on Thursday!  Their day at a glance:

Day #2 Stats
Temp: 98 Degrees
Dew point: 82
Feels like: 115 degrees
BEAT the all-time Minnesota dew point record at 3pm today!

Day #2 Agenda:
Singing Hill

Snack Time




Drip-Drip, Splash-Splash
(A very hot day form of duck-duck, grey-duck)

Bouldering Wall

Singing Hill

Camp Chronicles - Week 2: Day 1

Jack and his best buddies Grayson, Jordan, and Cole have embarked on their second week of camp.  All of us Mom's were worried going into this second week because of the mad-hot and humid weather.  I'm pretty sure I talked to Jack about water consumption at least 182 times over the weekend.  Even went so far as to tell him if he didn't, he would get very sick.  That may have been a mistake - he got out of bed and said "Mommy, I don't want to get very sick."  The scare tactic worked a little too well but it did work - he drank lots of water.  

Simone is their new Counselor (I know, she sounds exotic, right?!?)  It's so odd to have a stranger whom you've never met caring for your child - that's probably been the hardest part of adjusting to camp for me.

Day #1 Stats
Temp: 97 Degrees
Dew point: 81
Feels like: 113 degrees
Tied the all-time Minnesota dew point record!

Day #1 Agenda:
Singing Hill

Find a Fort & Snack Time
(Banana & blueberry vitamin bar)

Giant Slide
(Not exactly sure what Jack does during giant slide time - he will not do it because it is too dark and too scary!)

(Bologna and cheese sandwich, Pringles, fruit smoothie, & rice krispie treat)

(By far, Jack's favorite activity)

Water Balloon Toss
(Jack caught a balloon and he was so proud!)

Row Boating
(Big news: they saw a BASEBALL in the water!)

Singing Hill

Despite the deep south weather, our little troopers had a great time!  I gave Jack the option of going back for day 2 and he was all about it so apparently, the heat wasn't all that bad after all.  We went home and spent a couple of hours playing in the nice cold water in the backyard.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Drunken Sailor, Frankenstein or Little Walker?

Guess who's walking?!?  Yes, our sweet little Jamison has taken the plunge into the big, bad world of walkers.  Apparently, he felt very confident and comfortable at Papa's house over the 4th of July.  Almost immediately after arriving, he decided it was his time to shine.  The timing was so much fun because lots of his family got to witness the big milestone.  And of course, he hammed it up because he is a BIG ham after all!  

In my Mommy opinion, there is NOTHING cuter than a new walker.  Sometimes he looks like a little drunken sailor and other times he looks like Frankenstein but he is always adorable with his cute little chunky tush and big belly.  Can I freeze him in time?  I don't want my baby to grow up so fast!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cook Family Pastime

Every family has their quirks or unique traditions.  Ours just happens to be drinking gallons of dish soap outside while the rest of the family watches.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Moshi Turns 3!

Our little middle child has officially turned 3!  How is that possible?  We had not 1, not 2, but 3 parties to celebrate.  On his actual birthday Mommy and Joshi kicked off the day by dropping his brothers off at school and heading to Original Pancake House for some yum.  With full bellies in tow, we headed to Sam's Club to stock up for the upcoming Birthday/Father's Day party on Sunday and then headed to the Mall of America to see the sharkies - one of Joshi's favorite pastimes.  We spent lots of time meandering around checking out the fish and my personal favorites, the jelly fish.  After some lunch and a good, long nap, we headed to Target where he got to pick his birthday fare for the evening.  Much to my surprise, he chose some lovely golf cupcakes.  Hmmm... future Tiger Woods, make that Phil Mickelson.
Check out the bubbles that look to be on their cheeks.
Green frosting doubles as excellent finger paint.
Sunday turned out to be such a fun day!  We had our Florida fam and my Uncle Tim's family over for a BBQ.  We got lucky with a gorgeous day amongst a bunch of rainy days.  We sat on the deck, played catch in the front yard, and consumed far too much wine for one family.  

This picture cracks me up! 
Jamison loves his Godmother.
One week later we celebrated with his "official" birthday party.  We had some friends and family over and had so much fun, especially our little 3 year old.
Must be an important conversation.
 The morning of the party we managed to find some time to play outside.  The driveway and sidewalk were covered in everyone's unique artwork.  We even paid homage to the spot where CeCe broke her arm.  It looked much cooler in person.
Jack is SUPER happy about stopping to have his picture taken.
Cuties Ava and Alexandra.  I was begging to keep them but their Mom's weren't going for it.
Evan, Jonah, and Jamison.  Adorable!!!
Thank you to everyone who helped make Joshi's birthday so special!

Now we just need to figure out how to get this little man to tackle the toilet.  He walked up to me tonight while making dinner and said "Mommy, I have to poop a little bit again but when I'm done you can change me, ok?"  I said "I have a better idea, how about we try to go poopy in the toilet?"  "But I don't want to."  "You are 3 now, when do you think you'll start making friends with the toilet?"  He said "in the afternoon I will, ok Mommy (said very eloquently at 6:30pm)?"  "Ok sweety."