Thursday, July 14, 2011

Drunken Sailor, Frankenstein or Little Walker?

Guess who's walking?!?  Yes, our sweet little Jamison has taken the plunge into the big, bad world of walkers.  Apparently, he felt very confident and comfortable at Papa's house over the 4th of July.  Almost immediately after arriving, he decided it was his time to shine.  The timing was so much fun because lots of his family got to witness the big milestone.  And of course, he hammed it up because he is a BIG ham after all!  

In my Mommy opinion, there is NOTHING cuter than a new walker.  Sometimes he looks like a little drunken sailor and other times he looks like Frankenstein but he is always adorable with his cute little chunky tush and big belly.  Can I freeze him in time?  I don't want my baby to grow up so fast!

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