Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pirates and Puppies and Woody's, Oh My!

Halloween was so much fun this year.  Joshi really understood what it was all about so he was able to keep up with Jack, almost.  We also attended the usual, and much anticipated, Halloween parade at the younger boys school.  I've always said it's my favorite two hours of the year because it's so stinking cute, you can hardly stand it!  Check out our little puppy dog below - so serious!
Coming back from the other direction.  Yep, still serious!  A smile was not in the cards for this grumpy puppy.
Joshi on the other hand, did not stop smiling the ENTIRE time he was on display.  He was so proud of his costume and loved every second of his 6 minutes of fame.  See the horse he's carrying?  Well, his name is Bullseye (of course, right?) and Joshi could not have loved his Bullseye more if he had been a real pony.  He kept saying "look at my horsey."  
This was the first time in 5 years I didn't get to see Jack do the walk of fame so we had to settle for a photo shoot before hitting the streets.  How cute are they?  Jack was FULLY in character as you can see from the pics below.  A big thanks to Grandpa Florida for the costume - so awesome - now we get to use it for dressup!  On a completely different note, check out the size similarity between Joshua and Jamison.  They are exactly two years apart in age with only a 2-pound weight difference.  Jamison is one big boy!
 Alas, pictures were over so we set out to the streets.  Jamison stayed home with Gradmama and Grandpa Bill to hand out candy so Corey and I could tag-team the older J's.  The following shot captures Joshua's state-of-mind perfectly throughout our adventure.  He would run up to a house, say trick-or-treat, gather his goods and run back as fast as he could and loudly announce the new gem added to his bucket. 
"I got enough Skittles for EVERYBODY (which is exactly what he was exclaiming below!")  As far as the running, we were actually a little concerned about it because he kept wiping out - we thought for sure he'd have bloody knee's by the time we were done.  But, he would pop right back up each time and was no worse for the ware.
Jack loved every minute as well!  There was a bit of a bottle-neck at one house with a boatload of kids arriving at once.  All the parents were waiting at the end of the driveway and he came back to the group and announced in a very serious manner "well that house sure had a very big line."  Everyone got a good chuckle out of it.  Of course, par to last year, he opted NOT to take any chocolate offerings.  At least this year he'd say "no thanks" instead of "I don't like chocolate, do you have anything else?"as was the case last year.  Hey, we are making some progress.  I thought for sure he'd want to stay out all night but after 45 minutes or so, he was ready to head-in and be the candy passer-outer - an equally cool job as far as our boys are concerned.  
It's become a bit of a tradition now to TorT with our neighbors.  Check out their beautiful little vampire below.  They also have a son who is Jack's age who didn't quite make the picture.  He was a handsome little vampire.  Thanks for hanging with us Mike & Ang - always fun!
I'm so bummed this shot turned out a little blurry but I couldn't resist posting it anyway.  He is certainly the cutest little puppy I've ever seen!
It was a fantastic day!  The boys have already begun planning their costume plan of attack for next year.  Joshua is certain he wants to be a 'good' witch.  Jack is pondering Captain America - we shall see!

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