Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mr. Daydreamer

Just as we do every night, the boys and I cuddled up and read books before bed.  Joshi to my right and Jack and Jamison to the left.  They each got to pick a book and Jack picked Mr. Daydreamer.  We have all the "Mr." books but somehow managed to never have read this one.  We opened the book, started reading, and this is what we saw.  
For those that probably don't have their reading glasses on hand (you know who you are,) I'll read the very relevant parts.

"It's also a story about a little boy named Jack."  
Jack looked at me with a big smile and said "seriously, it's says Jack?"  I pointed to the word and he knew it was his name - the smile got even bigger.  

We read on... 
"And you don't know what he looks like, so here's a picture of him."  
Our eyes moved to the right to see this strangely familiar blonde image.  He looks just like OUR Jack.  Jack and I started giggling like little school girls and then suddenly stopped.  At that very instant, we both looked down at Jack's pajama's and realized that OUR Jack was wearing the exact same pj's as our little book friend.  The giggle turned into a full-on, 5-minute, laugh-so-hard-you-cry session.  Joshi and Jamison were in on it too initially, even though they had absolutely no idea what they were really laughing about.  After a minute or so, they stopped and just stared at Jack and I like we had suddenly grew two heads - the look on Jamison's face is burned in my memory because he was clearly thinking "what in the hell is wrong with these people?"  Joshi just couldn't figure out if we were actually laughing or actually crying.  I had to hug him and say "it's ok, it's just so funny" so he knew all was good.

Laugh-so-hard-you-cry moments are so very rare.  I feel incredibly lucky to have shared one with my three sweet peas tonights.  How awesome!

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