Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pure Play

Park time!  I love to take my camera to the park once in awhile.  There is something so sweet about the innocence of pure, uninhibited play.
Kids got some vertical.
What a little stud.  Can't you just see him donning the pages of GQ in a couple of decades?!?
Our little ham.
Running of the men.
Jamison hiding from a "dawggie."
Gotta take the vitamin D when you can get it.
Mr. Tough Guy.
Even though we see JT every day, sometimes I'll snap a photo that makes me realize how grown up he really is.  This happens to be one such shot.
See a worm...
Pick it up...
Get a BRILLIANT idea...
Get the lady with the camera!
Resourcefulness at its finest.
Shake your booty.
I was really digging this white fence as a photo backdrop so we made our best attempt at a little photo shoot.  Hmmm, successful?  Not this one.
Nor this one, although I do like the range of expressions.
And clearly this was not the million dollar shot.
You can't tell from this shot but this is a Culver's ball.  Jealous?  It took months to save up a whopping 10 kids coupons to buy this baby.
Whoops, pic gone wrong.  Notice how the family in the background is in focus while my little man appears to be the blurry blocker.  Oh, and gotta love the hair.  Reminds me of when my Grandpa would rub balloons on my head to make it appear I had stuck my finger in a light socket.
I'm a total sucker for head down shots.  So sweet and innocent.
Jack is convinced there is hot lava under there and is determined to find it.
Convinced Joshi to join in the dig.
Kiddo loves the slides 

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