Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Easter Bunny!

The boys and I tackled an ambitious project on Saturday - our first Easter Bunny cake!  I love baking and am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to decorating my baked goods so I've really had to learn to tame my perfectionist demons when the boys are my little baking helpers.  They helped mix everything up, poured it in the pan, patiently watched the oven as it cooked, helped Mommy make and spread the homemade pineapple-coconut buttercream frosting (YUM!), and decorate of course.  Besides the fact that he looks a little shocked (or afraid?), I'd say our little white friend turned out pretty good. The boys were certainly very proud of him!  As they were showing Dad the masterpiece, they decided that we had to sing Happy Birthday to the Easter Bunny.  Only logical, right?  It's a cake that is the Easter Bunny so it only makes sense it would be his birthday.  So the whole family broke out into an impromptu Birthday celebration for our beloved Easter Bunny.  It is moments like these that make being a parent such a JOY!
On a side note - Happy 10 months to our newest baby boy today!  

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