Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Little of This and a Little of That.

We had a fairly uneventful, but good weekend.  It's hard to plan anything big when we have hockey Saturday morning and Sunday School on Sunday morning.  We did manage to make it out to lunch with Gradmama and Grandpa Bill on Saturday.  They were going to Wild Bill's to eat and play bingo so the Cook clan tagged along.  Bingo was a blast!  The boys even got their bingo on with their very own kid friendly bingo cards and daubers - fun but very messy!  I wish I could have gotten pics of them as we were leaving.  Jack had a bright green nose while Josh had a bright orange nose.  They looked like the cutest little clowns I've ever seen.  We were a little worried this dauber stuff wouldn't come off but it did - EXCEPT for Joshie's big wound on the tip of his nose from a run in with the drinking fountain at school (the fountain clearly won.)  It used to be that healing pink color and now it is bright orange.  Oh well, he's had so many wounds we might as well switch it up a bit.  Oh wait, I did get a pic of Joshie's nose after naptime.  See the bright orange spot on the tip?  Yep, still bright orange, even after a long bath.
Back to bingo, so we were on our last and final game before we headed out to get the boys to nap-time.  Much to my surprise, I realized I only needed one more number on my card which happened to be the very next number the very nice bingo lady called.  Without thinking twice, I screamed BINGO!  It is a very odd sensation screaming at the top of your lungs in the middle of an extremely crowded and shockingly quiet restaurant.  Corey claims it was barely a whisper but I'm certain the neighbor restaurant could hear me.  I'll never forget the look on the boys face - they are just coloring away with their little daubers when Mommy suddenly yells at the top of her lungs.  They looked at me like WTH is her deal?!?  When they realized I won they were like proud little soldiers.  They gave us the very same look when Corey and I won the coveted balloon toss at the Cornelly family reunion last summer.  Anyway, just after I said it I had this overwhelming feeling of panic - what if I am that one moron, that everyone hopes for, who marked the wrong number?  B3, check, I14, check, N24, check, G32, check, O40, check, and we have a WINNER!  $99 baby!  I collected my cash as the calm and cool cat that I am - yeah, no biggie.  But inside I was excited to be the lucky one that day.
To fill up the rest of our free time we played lots of dress-up, made Joker faces with smoothies, played hide-n-seek, shopped a bit, and had fun with a giant box from Joshi's new booster seat.  It's amazing how much fun kids can have with a simple box.  It's really too bad us adults can learn from the simplicity that children bring into the world.  They played with this thing for a half hour and enjoyed every minute.  Check out Jamison's face - not so sure he was a big fan.
Help.... me.... quick.
On another note, Josh is talking like mad and we love it.  He says the sweetest, most innocent things.  Just a couple of notable examples from the weekend:

Jack and Josh in the car:
Jack: "When I'm all grown up and have my own drivers license and Josh is still a kid, I'm going to drop him off at the door instead of parking in the ramp."
Josh: "I'm not a kitty, why you call me a kitty cat."
Jack: "I didn't call you a kitty-cat (laughing), I called you a kid!"
Josh: "I'm not a kid, I'm a boy!"

Daddy and Josh at lunch:
Dad: "Are you wet?"
Josh: "No, I'm Joshi!"
Lastly, I'm leaving on a business trip soon.  It is my first time not only leaving Jamison, but Joshi too!  I know it will be just fine once I hop on the plane but the anticipation of it is literally making me nauseous.  So hard to leave my babies!  To help ease the pain a bit, I splurged on a new suitcase today.  The boys picked it out and insisted this was the ONE I had to have.  How could I argue that?  Away we went with our new bubble-gum pink little number.  Isn't it so Elle Woods???  All I need now is a fluffy little dog in my purse.  Anyone ever had a hardcase suitcase?  Not sure how it will hold up but it's hot.

What are you grateful for today?
Jack: "ummmm... ummmm... I'm grateful for Mommy & Daddy & Joshi & Jamison.  Oh, and my friends at school and my toys.  And everyone else in the world, but especially Mommy, Daddy, Joshi, and Jamison."
Mosh: "Yeah, my family too.... and move-it, move-it."

A BIG hug and kiss to Uncle Adam today.  He arrived back to the states from his tour in Afghanistan.  He is officially a war veteran.  XOXO little bro.

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