Sunday, March 20, 2011

Put it in Perspective...

I've been stressed about leaving my babies to go on a business trip, my first in a few years, until I stumbled across Super Nanny on Friday night.  We don't normally watch this show which makes it all that much weirder that I happened upon it on this night.  Super Nanny was called upon to help a Dad with three little boys.  Their Mom had recently passed away from cancer and these poor little guys were grieving their Mommy.  I've been thinking about these little angels all weekend and my heart is broken for them, but it also helped me to realize that being away from my babies for four days is nothing compared to the lifetime that these grieving little boys will be without their Mommy.  So off I will go - I will have a great trip and enjoy myself knowing that I am lucky enough to come home to give my boys a million more kisses.

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