Monday, January 16, 2012


Yuk, the big 4-0!  Not an exciting milestone - kind of like your first root canal or slamming your finger in a door.  Despite my extreme wish to treat this day like any other, the boys were REALLY into it so I had to put on my best 25 year old face for their sake - yes, 25 - just because I'm 40 doesn't mean I look 40!  Turns out it was a great night!
The boys cordoned themselves off in the office to make their own special cards for Mommy.  They'd flip out if I came within 20 feet of their private "get ready for Mommy's b-day party" session.  Look at that face!

Beyond gorgeous flowers from my Dad.
my little loves
Thanks to all those involved in making it a great day!  So long 30's... it was fun knowing you but I'm excited to see what the 40's bring.  A whole lot less diapers, I'm sure!

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