Thursday, January 12, 2012

Turkey Day at the Cooks

Boyz in da hood
Geez, this post is so late it's ridiculous but I felt it important to post any way.
Woot, woot... we didn't have to cook this year!  Uncle Collin and Aunt Kathy bought a new house and were very interested in taking over the Thanksgiving hosting duties - and we were MORE than happy to give them up.  For those of you that have never hosted, it's a boatload of work, not to mention time consuming and expensive.  So high-ho, high-ho off to the Cook's we go!  
First off, what was with the crazy Minnesota weather on this T-Day.  Check out these outdoor pics, no coats!  It was really quite awesome!  Jack even made a new friend in the neighbor boy.  Do you think this kids got a competitive side to him???  Look at that face!
 Jamison and Evan enjoyed a competitive game of bean bag toss - can't you almost picture them 20 years from now looking almost the same? 
Kudo's to Uncle Collin and Aunt Kathy for the fabulous first dinner.  Everyone enjoyed it to the fullest and left with very full belly's.  Check out Jamison's "man" poses.  Just before these pics were taken he unbuttoned his pants.

Thanks for hosting.  It was fun!  A couple more honorable mention pics as I sign off.

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