Thursday, January 19, 2012

Harold & the Purple Crayon

My sweeter than pie middle child and I had a date night tonight.  We went to Children's Theater to see Harold & the Purple Crayon.  It was magical, funny, technologically amazing, and clever as could be.  Joshi was all smiles as we were waiting for it to begin.  To pass the time we were counting the minutes on our fingers.  The lights went down and he was in awe... or so I thought.  After about 15 minutes of pure magic, he leaned into me and whispered "Mommy, whens it going to start?"  I laughed and said "it already started sweetie."  He responded with "oh."

During intermission we headed out to get a big purple cookie, a crayon shaped cookie of course.  As Joshua's munching away, we were chatting.

Mom: "Are you loving the show?"
Joshi: "I'm not too too loving it."
Mom: "Why not?"
Joshi: "I love most parts a lot of it, but some parts I didn't love love."
Mom: "Which parts didn't you love?"
Joshi: "Only the animals."
Mom: "Why, did they scare you?"
Joshi: "Yes.... (long pause).... and animals don't talk."
Mom: "Oh yes, you are right."

We headed back in and he managed to sit quietly through the second half.  Anyone who has an opportunity to see this amazing production - should.  I caught myself saying WOW a few times because all the coordination is mad good!

Thanks to my beyond generous friend at work who bestowed us with the tickets!  It was a fabulous date night for Joshi and me.

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