Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quest for the Perfect Shot

Any amateur mother photographer knows that catching a good shot with multiple kids is more rare than a two headed unicorn.  This photo shoot was obviously no exception.  I love getting a lay on belly, chin-in-hands shot every Christmas eve.  I've done it every year since Jack was born.  Following is a sampling (yes, a sampling - 14 additional pics made their way to the cyber trash.)  It's funny, leading up to the shoot I had a vision of what would happen.  The boys would line up next to each other, I'd bribe a couple of wranglers to wrangle (see arms left below), and we'd get a sweet and adorable shot of the three little loves laying peacefully and cooperatively for Mom to catch the photo of the year contest winner.  Well, needless to say, my "getting a good matching PJ, sweet little love, Christmas eve shot," dreams were dashed on this night.  I should know by now that things NEVER go as I plan - what fun would that be?
Ok, this one's pretty darn cute but it's missing little JR.
Oh, so close!

Look. at. me.  I. am. a. robot.  I don't know how
he is even suspending himself up like that.
This is probably the best of the bunch.  We'll try again next year.

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