Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Grandma's Birthday

Happy Birthday Grandmama!  We celebrated the coveted day by heading out to our first hibachi grill.  Well, the first for Jack, Joshua and me anyway.  How did we not know about this secret little gem of a restaurant?!?  It's loud (perfect for loud kids), entertaining (perfect for squirly kids), delicious (perfect for picky kids), and quite comical actually (perfect for kids who also think they are very funny.)  And how lucky were we to have Uncle Adam and Auntie Sarah in town for the occasion.  We laughed a lot, ate WAY too much, enjoyed each other's company and celebrated Grandmama grandly.  
 Pretty lady.

 Love this picture.  You can see the glow from the giant fireball that had formed in front of us.  Joshua and Jack have the exact same expression on their face.

 Baby Saki!

 Too much baby Saki  Time to head home.  We'll definitely be hibachi'ing again!

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