Monday, January 23, 2012

No Soup for You!

When you're home alone with three boys under 6 and the littlest one is throwing up every five minutes, you tend be a little more... ummm... how shall I say it... open-minded to activities that might otherwise fall under the "OH NO YOU'RE NOT" category.  One such activity that was happily welcomed (and kept the boys busy for over an hour, I might add) was soup kitchen.  Boy oh boy, where do these youngens get their imagination?  I knew they were playing in the bathroom sink and honestly, didn't care because I was up to my elbows in toddler barf.  After 10 minutes of sink time and exactly 4 minutes until the next barf, I ran up to see what shananigans these little men were up to.  They were so excited to tell me all about their soup kitchen.  They had several varieties of homemade soup, brought in patrons to enjoy it, and even wore hairnets - which happened to be wet washcloths draped over their heads.  Once they gave me the full run down and allowed a speedy photo op, I was quickly dismissed from the private party.  All I could think as I walked away was - yep, you guessed it - "NO SOUP FOR YOU!"

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